Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Getting things done

That arduous and long pending task stares at you from the corner of your desk, gloating at how you just can’t get around to deal with him. You delay and dither until it is too late and cry over wasted time. You buckle down to do it, anyway and round it off half-heartedly when the hot breath of a deadline breathes down your neck.

You need not always keep things for the last minute. Things can be different. Tackle the gargantuan task at the first opportunity available. 

Break down the task into small bite sized rubber meals that you can chew up. And with every accomplishment, however small it is, reward yourself with a goodie – anything that you love – It could be a session of two minute meditation, reading a short short story, going for a walk or chatting up with a friend. 

And once you are through with your reward, get back to tackling the next small rubber piece that you can chew.

This is one method which I have found effective in tackling many of the demons lurking around in my procrastination closet.     

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