Tuesday, September 1, 2020


The world seems to be changing everyday. Tiny small changes.

Of course, I'm sure change was a constant earlier too. It's only now that we notice it, thanks to the pandemic, thanks to the time to reflect and thanks also to the desire to get back to normalcy.

I've noticed that the more fussed and obsessed I am about change, the more intolerant I grow towards it.  Whether its work picking up pace, not picking up pace, change of inclement weather or even letting new people, new friends into our lives - the slightest of changes seems to evoke disproportionate behavioural reactions.

But one thing that I have found that offers solace and a sense of rootedness is spirituality. Meditation, chanting, yoga and pranayama are practices, that I can say, by experience, should not be forgotten. And of course, please add writing to the list. And blogging. And cooking. And spending time with loved ones. The list seems to grow longer and longer !

Well, looking at life, there seems to be plenty of things that seem to be a source of spirituality. It's all a matter of perspective - finding constancy in change and change in constancy.  

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