Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I wish I was...


a sunny day

caught in the folds of a month of raindrops


a bumble bee

amidst flies flitting around flaps of skin on a swivel chair


a page of my favourite book

savoured in the middle of an indulgent work break


the glow of fire in a lighthouse

waiting for salvation on the jagged banks of the Arabian Sea

Friday, August 21, 2020

In this blog post, I share with you a couple of my pieces that got published recently. 

First up, another of my ten word stories found a home at Potato Soup Journal:


A poem that I had written in response to their monthly prompt has been published in Visual Verse Magazine :


A piece of prose that I had written for the Prose 500 contest organised by Wordweavers has been selected under their 'featured' category.


Happy writing, happy living!  

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Work gathers, picks pace and pushes aside everything else, especially the hobbies that I had clung onto all these months. The weeds have been pulled out, the table is spanking clean, the files – ready to be opened.

I clear out a section in my mind and make space for new work stuff that I’m training to love. I do this between the lines of poetry in The New Yorker.

Cheers to work! Work, here I plunge. <Sound of water splashing>

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Mars Confusion

I try to introduce my two year old to the beauty of outer space – the star spangled night sky, the constellations and a telescope. I read out a book called ‘There’s no Place like Space’.

He gapes with wonder at the ‘Cat in the Hat’- our official space guide and laughs at the turn of each page because the words end in a rhyme.   And then I talk about astronauts, comets, meteorites, the Uranus and its satellites and he listens to the roll of the tongue with each new addition to his vocabulary.

Today morning, when we are going through the months of the year, he starts with January, moves onto February and progresses to March and then changes track to ‘Jupiter’. March and Mars must sound very familiar to his toddler ears.

If only I could take him to the planetarium and sort out his confusion… My list of to-do tasks in a post-COVID-free world grows longer each day.

Word prompt : https://ragtagcommunity.wordpress.com/2020/08/11/rdp-tuesday-space/

Monday, August 3, 2020

Voices on the Wind

Happy to share that two of my poems – ‘Family History’ and ‘The Taj Mahal’ have been published in Voices on the Wind Poetry Journal.

You can read them at http://www.voicesonthewind.net/family82.html and http://www.voicesonthewind.net/taj82.html

Sunday, August 2, 2020


Reset, reset and reset.

Your personal life, your creative life, your professional life at the beginning of every day.

Every day, we are given twenty four hours to better yourself, to move closer to your goals, to make a difference to the people around you. Every day is a new beginning. It’s upto us whether we want to live in the hangover of yesterday and mope and moan over losses or pull our socks, jump out of our quilts and do/continue to continue to do what matters most to us.

So forgive people, forget bad experience but learn your lessons, free up your mind, take a deep breath and just do that thing that you always wanted to do.

Once you’ve done that, move onto the next.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Looking upto success

When you embark on a new project, you are bound to hit roadblocks, bound to bump over road humps, bound to meet challenges. What helps you achieve success is your attitude – your attitude to carry on inspite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. For a determined mind can plough a hole through the hardest of rocks and toughest of mountains.

In the words of Earl Nightingale, motivational speaker, success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal. Success is not just the act of reaching your final goal but also comprises the small incremental steps that one takes on the journey towards achievement of the goal.

If your goal is to be a writer, you may not have written anything on a particular day, but if you have read a story that struck a chord, if you have flipped through the pages of a ‘how-to-write’ book, you still are making progress, for you have not wasted the day. You are one step closer to your goal and you are successful.