Saturday, March 28, 2020

A prayer

 Clothed in the fuzziness of the warm morning Sun as
The day careens into a waltz to the beats of the song
Sung by a collage of the myriad visions that strikes a match of inspiration 
The heart is filled with fresh hope,
fresh as the sound of the cuckoo
Travelling from glade to glade
And a head that brims with ideas to
Bring the heaven docked up in the stratus
down to terra firma
And hands that wish to mould and re-mould
The sculpture until it becomes a blueprint
Of what You envisioned it to be
My dear Lord, let this be the habitat
That I live in for as long as I live.

Copyright © 2020 Preeth Ganapathy

Ragtag Daily word prompt : Habitat


  1. Thank you so much for joining in Preeth. A lovely picture you have captured with your words.

  2. Thank you very much Punam :-) And a very apt word prompt considering our present circumstances
