Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The flower vendor

The flower vendor sat on the footpath surrounded by baskets of flowers. The silence of the calm and peace all around, was palpable. A Mynah descended from the skies and skipped playfully very close to her. She had never been this close to a mynah, not in thirty years of her selling flowers in this area.

She would sit at the entrance to the park, stringing together either mallige(jasmine) or kanakambaram(crossandra) flowers. Other varieties of fresh flowers – pink, red, yellow, orange roses would lie in her basket waiting eagerly, to spread their fragrance in the right home. She would also have a stock of fresh tulasi and bilavapatre leaves in a special basket. They were offerings that most devout Bangaloreans offered at the feet of the divine without fail.  

Everyday, she would see multitudes of people enjoy the early morning Sun, the luxury of fresh air and the twittering of birds. The park would transform into a vibrant ecosystem of a variety beings from the human, animal and avian kingdom enjoy their slice of unadulterated happiness.

Teenagers would jog their way around in bright tank tops and tights, oblivious to their surroundings with ears plugged with head phones. The older lot would congregate in groups of five or six exchanging the latest tid bits of political gossip. Saree clad ladies would walk around in gleaming white sports shoes enlightening each other with variations in recipes to make that puliyogare a little more tangy or share their woes of managing work and home.    

Each morning she would sell her wares to these morning walkers on their way back home.
“How much do you charge for a moLa of mallige, one bunch of tulasi leaves and some of these pink roses?”, a customer would ask.

(MoLa is a unit of measurement of stringed mallige flowers which translates to the length of a hand)

“Thirty rupees for the mallige, five for the tulasi leaves and twenty for a fistful of flowers,” she would say.

This would be followed by instances of haggling and bargaining for a discounted price until a mutually acceptable figure would be arrived at.

The flower vendor would then pack the flowers in a small plastic packet if the customer did have his own cloth bag. The plastic pack would cost an extra five bucks. Each day, she earned just about enough to make ends meet.

The flower garlands would then be used to decorate the idols in temples present in each domestic household, the tulasi/bilvapatre leaves would then go to the feet of the deity and the left over flowers would be used to deck up the outer periphery of the temple.

But today, there was no such scene. People were conspicuous by their absence. She was all alone on the deserted footpath, surrounded only by her flowers, mute and stationery as always, until the mynah landed beside her for company.

“Oh, you are selling flowers today also?” asked a pedestrian, in his late fifties. He was a regular customer but she was startled by the sound of his voice, all the same.

“Yes sir. What shall I give you today? The usual Mallige with tulasi leaves?” she asked starting to measure out the flowers.

“Yes, I will buy them. But have you not heard about the lockdown? Nobody’s going to be out here for the next month,” he said.

The flower vendor handed over the flowers and sat quietly. How would she survive for the next thirty days without her flower business?

Word Prompt: Pedestrian

Monday, March 30, 2020


Smooth, suave, slick
That is the new magician in town
The wand with his wrist that he does flick
An ace always ready up his sleeve
Expressions fit to be captured by a click
When he makes the Taj Mahal disappear
He says it is all in the legerdemain and a trick
And that is why people should watch him in action!

But no amount of earthly magic
Can bring back squandered time
Or lost lives
Or words that have been uttered
Or unravel the spiral of vicious actions
Nor can it make a man
Disappear from the door of death
Acts that can be performed only by the sleight of divine hand.

Copyright © 2020 Preeth Ganapathy

Word Prompt : slick

Saturday, March 28, 2020

A prayer

 Clothed in the fuzziness of the warm morning Sun as
The day careens into a waltz to the beats of the song
Sung by a collage of the myriad visions that strikes a match of inspiration 
The heart is filled with fresh hope,
fresh as the sound of the cuckoo
Travelling from glade to glade
And a head that brims with ideas to
Bring the heaven docked up in the stratus
down to terra firma
And hands that wish to mould and re-mould
The sculpture until it becomes a blueprint
Of what You envisioned it to be
My dear Lord, let this be the habitat
That I live in for as long as I live.

Copyright © 2020 Preeth Ganapathy

Ragtag Daily word prompt : Habitat

Friday, March 27, 2020

The visitors

“Empty your mind, clear the thoughts away,” said the yoga instructor in her soothing voice.

I felt a comforting sense of calmness wash over me. No thoughts, no white noise in the background to disturb me. It was just a void. A strange sense of lightness overcame my being, strange in a happy sort of way.

As I inhaled deeply for a count of four, my stomach expanded. I concentrated on the breath alone. Thoughts of that unfinished report were pushed to a quiet corner of the mind. This was not the time for work to suddenly show up like an unwelcome visitor.

Every morning before the crack of dawn, I attended the yoga classes in my neighbourhood.  It was still dark and quiet everywhere. Even the stray dogs, deep in their slumber, would not let out so much as a snore. It was this quietness that I enjoyed most during the day.

All of a sudden, a sound was heard. It was something like a cross between the melody arising from the plucking of a veena string, the purring of a cat and the striking of metal on a gong.

The magical spell was broken. My concentration veered. Somebody had forgotten to switch off their phone again, I thought in exasperation.

Soon enough, another metallic tang was heard coupled with a few more tangs in quick succession. Unable to concentrate on the breath any more, any longer, I opened my eyes. The other yoga students too were wondering looking around trying to figure out the source of the sound.

When it was clear that it was not any of our phones that was causing trouble, the instructor decided to take charge. She went out to enquire with the watchman about the source of the sounds.

There was no other premise in the building open at this hour in the vicinity. A music class in the offing perhaps? Nope, not that he knew of.

“Not in any of the other floors of the building? Are you sure,“ she asked. The building had five floors and the yoga studio was in the ground floor.

“No madam, I don’t see any neon board hanging outside advertising one,” he replied nonchalantly.

Now, all of us were scouting for the source, looking for light glowing from a room or two from houses in the vicinity. May be some sleepless soul had woken up at this hour and had switched on the radio for company.

“It can’t be a radio,” said one of the students in a magenta tank top and black tights.

“It has to be an animal, sounds more like a kitten,” said another man who had not got up from his lotus pose, the padmasana, like the rest of us.

The sounds were repeated, frequency between two consecutive sounds maintained at the same pace. 

They were emanating from somewhere inside the yoga studio, we decided.

There at the corner of the room, behind the pot of money plant, lay a small wooden box. The box was closed and lay motionless. There was no doubt now, about the source of the mysterious sounds.

I slowly ventured towards the box on tiptoe as the class collectively held its breath. I practiced some deep breathing to steady myself and stretched out my hand slowly and lifted the cover.

As I looked inside, I found two little kittens huddled together, lying on top of each other, purring loudly. Probably being a day or two old, they were hardly able to open their eyes. The entire class was now peering at them over my shoulders.

That day, the yoga class extended for an unusually long period of time. Not because we were practising various poses, asanas but because, we were busy finding milk and a safe home for the forlorn kittens.       

Ragtag Daily word prompt : Empty

Thursday, March 26, 2020

The elusive silence

There is an intertwining relationship between silence and creativity in my life. I can create only when it is silent and quiet. Any noise and distraction seems to dispel the slightest whisper of new ideas from my mind. In such situations, I usually just hold onto my ideas like as if I were meditating, and wait for the hubbub to settle down before I begin writing.   

The fast paced beats
Of the blaring music
Incarcerates the ears
Leaving the mind with little elbow room
To nudge around its creative muscles

I stop fighting and decide to
Drift along with the flow-
Waiting patiently for the song to end
So I can finally write something in
The quiet interlude that will follow.

Copyright © 2020 Preeth Ganapathy 

Lessons in Staying ahead

We try to tame nature, try to attach a meaning to her actions and find a solution to the puzzles she throws at us, but we are unsuccessful each time. She always has the better of us, each time.

Each generation
Thinks that it has
The mysteries of
Countless branches of science
In its efforts to inch closer to the truth

But no amount of
Deciphering, decoding and discovering
Can make us ready
To deal with the stock of surprises
That nature has in her quiver

She comes with a new conundrum each time.
One step ahead of us. Always.

Copyright © 2020 Preeth Ganapathy

Word Prompts :
Countless Branches - RDP
Amount - FOWC

Everyday instances of scrying

You don't really need to go to a clairvoyant to scry, we do it in our everyday lives too. And not just us, the animal kingdom is replete with examples of divination.

The kingfisher peers into
The orb of the blue pond
Looking for fish

The weatherman gazes at the sky
And predicts heavy

I stare into your eyes
And try to magically decipher
The thoughts floating in your mind

Copyright © 2020 Preeth Ganapathy

Ragtag daily word prompt : SCRY

Lockdown Triolet

With the 21 day lockdown period starting in India, there are cases where rules are flouted and instructions are not adhered to. People going for morning and evening walks, vehicles commuting along roads every other second are a few common examples. This short poem(triolet) is inspired by one such instance. 
Can you hear the engine revving
       Up the deserted road, puffing with all its might
I want to ask the driver,” Where do you think you are going?”
       Can you hear the engine revving
In sometime, I presume, he would be quietly withdrawing
       But still, this is supposed to be complete lockdown, right?
Can you hear the engine revving
       Up the deserted road, puffing with all its might

Copyright © 2020 Preeth Ganapathy

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


New born fingers that curl around a mother’s
Dew drop fresh on a blade of green grass 
Touch of soft muslin on the skin
Unspoken equations in a relationship
Damage wreaked by angry words
Space occupied by love in the heart
The thread that connects the body to the soul
The thin veil between life and death.

This is my poem in response to the Ragtag daily word prompt: delicate