Yesterday was the International Yoga Day, a day when yoga is celebrated for being the cornerstone factor in the lives of many people who belong to these parts of the world. And what better day than to share my love for yoga here.
Yoga for me, is a way of life. It symbolises a way to cleanse the mind of negative, unnecessary thoughts. It is also a way to achieve the fitness of the mind and body and go back to the discover the wealth hidden in our souls. It is a light that shines on the path that takes us to bring out the best, the kindest and the most compassionate forms of ourselves. It instils courage when it is lacking, strength when one feels weak and resolve in the hearts of the waivering. Yoga brings one closer to the self, when one attempts to control the mind and focus on the body. It brings one closer to understanding the meaning of 'present moment consciousness’.
Yoga for me, is a way of life. It symbolises a way to cleanse the mind of negative, unnecessary thoughts. It is also a way to achieve the fitness of the mind and body and go back to the discover the wealth hidden in our souls. It is a light that shines on the path that takes us to bring out the best, the kindest and the most compassionate forms of ourselves. It instils courage when it is lacking, strength when one feels weak and resolve in the hearts of the waivering. Yoga brings one closer to the self, when one attempts to control the mind and focus on the body. It brings one closer to understanding the meaning of 'present moment consciousness’.
As one performs varied asanas and becomes aware of the body in different postures, the mind reduces its tendencies to wander. It is more about being in the here and now. When the mind diligently, constantly follows the movement of the body, stills when the body stills,moves when the body moves, the mind becomes one with the body. This is exactly what the legendary Buddhist monk Thic Nhat Han talks about in his book The Miracle of Mindfulness, when he elaborates about how the mind becomes one with the breath, when the mind follows and the breath leads. It is in this sense that the practice of yoga is called yoga in the first place, for after all doesn’t yoga mean union? Union of the mind with body or mind with the breath (in case of pranayama)
Hope everyday is yoga day for all of us!