Krishna is around 14 months old now. And an absolute darling. A picture of innocence. He runs, rather crawls up to the door every time my father returns from office and calls out his name. He makes it a point to rush and greet him irrespective of what he is busy with our where he is. If he is in some body’s arms, he gets down and crawls at full speed, head bent down with utmost concentration and diligence like the now famous 'blinkered horse'.
When my husband returns from office, he is all excited and doesn't quit screaming in his baby-ish and pointing fingers and making a fuss until his father takes him in his arms and lifts him up to the fan or the chandelier or whatever else is in sight.He can't walk around independently yet, but whenever supported by external aids(read our hands) he vehemently points to his purple coloured ball filled with pictures of angry birds and says 'doo' with a pout. He signals for us to facilitate him to play football. So we hold him by the crook of his shoulders with both our hands.At the same time,we try to keep up with the rolling ball, while reciting a running commentary. And we are instantly rewarded with an ecstatic smile when he successfully kicks the ball into an imaginary goalpost.
Another hobby that he has recently picked up is that of dancing. The moment he listens to music, he heaves his body up and down and makes a movement with his legs. Time or space is no bar for our little dancer to enjoy a little gig. He breaks into a movement when we are in the car listening to the FM, when we turn on the radio/television or even to the ringtone of the mobile phone.
The other day I was checking out some recipes on YouTube and lo! when I lowered my phone I could see Krishna doing his little gig to the introductory, background music.
The other day I was checking out some recipes on YouTube and lo! when I lowered my phone I could see Krishna doing his little gig to the introductory, background music.
I will have to make a video of his dance one of these days before he outgrows this phase and decides to switch over to other forms of expression of creativity!